

Video: iPhone 4S vs Nokia 808 PureView

| June 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s a video comparison between the iPhone 4S and the Nokia 808 PureView. There should be no need to pause for breath in anticipation as GSM Arena, TheVerge and Engadget have already crowned the Nokia 808 PureView as the most superior in all camera phones, nudging even higher end dedicated camera competitors.

You may wonder why some constantly point out something the 808 is missing (which can get in an app) but ignore something the competitor, this time iPhone will never get in an app (stereo Rich Recording). But that’s going to be the case. In fact, that is completely ignored in this video, probably too embarrassing as a comparison.

  • 808 better video sans flash
  • Better video with flash (though in this sample, a slight issue with focus. Perhaps touch focus is on and they didn’t touch?)
  • More detail on 808
  • 4X zoom on 808
Here’s their 808 camera demo:



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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