

SoldierKnowsBest on Nokia 808 PureView: “This thing is just crazy insane”

| July 18, 2012 | 0 Comments



Tech video blogger, SoldierKnowsBest takes a look at the Nokia 808 PureView. I thought it was interesting to find his take on this because he’s a keen techy fan, likes a lot of Apple stuff and his audience seems mostly US based.

He’s really pleased with the camera and rich recording for video. I was shocked at the video quality presented as that’s possibly the worst I’ve ever seen shot on the 808. What was up with that? Everything kept wobbling. So video stabilisation actually makes videos WORSE?

The comment section in YouTube is quite funny. A lot of misinformation being spread against the Nokia 808 PureView. Time and time again, several tech blogs have done independent tests and have crowned the 808. Blind tests against not just phones but more dedicated cameras showing the 808 holding its own. But I guess that’s part and parcel of YouTube comment drivel.



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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