

More WP8 Features Leaked: Multi-Select Photos, SMS/Photo Backup, Storage Selection, Smart Glasses Support…

| July 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

And the leaks keep on coming, last night we reported about the leaked WP8 SDK, and some of the features those who got it to run were able to spot; including BT transfer support, Hot swappable SD cards, Lock screen notification and extended Camera API access. Well here’s a whole boatload of more features the brave warriors of truth were able to uncover:

  • Ability to select multiple photos in the gallery (presumably for mass deletion/moving to SD card)
  • Ability to edit photos from within the gallery  including crop & rotation
  • Improved Bing search, bringing the latest headlines, events and showtimes when swiping to the left of the screen
  • New Keyboard Emoticons (once again the same Lumia -like device with the Windows 8 button)
  • New IE10 with ability to customize address bar, Block cookies, and use the Datasense feature to limit your data consumption
  • Ability to back-up apps, picture & videos and SMS
  • Greater control over available storage, allowing user to select which storage to save to (phone/memory card) as well as moving pictures from one storage location to another
  • The Bing search wallpaper is the default setting for the phone wallpaper, updating automatically (like Bing Desktop– which is pretty cool BTW)

  • Sorry to disappoint you folks, but the apps list is the same as before
  • Automatic download of Updates/OTA updates
  • Users have the ability to chose what apps can notify you on the lock screen
  • Xbox SmartGlasses support (allows you to view music & Videos playing on your Xbox)
  • Maps app shows Nearby local hotspots (the layout of the maps app looks identical to what’s currently available for WP7.5 even-though the WP8 should be running Nokia maps)
  • “SMS Interceptor” which could be used to update twitter and Facebook statuses VIA SMS without the need for a Data plan
  • Save Appointments to calendar options (I assume you can save an emailed invitation to the calendar)

VIA: 1, 2, 3, 4



Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.