

N9Apps: Nokia Car Mode with Mirrorlink for N9/N950 available at Nokia Store

| August 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

Nokia Car Mode is available for MeeGo-Harmattan – N9. Has this always been a paid app? And rather steep at £17.99?

Nokia Car Mode has been designed for in-car use to make calls, navigate to a destination, or listen to music. Enter your car, plug the phone into a MirrorLinkTM compatible infotainment system using a USB cable, and enjoy these applications on the in-car display. For making and receiving calls, the phone needs to be paired using Bluetooth with the car infotainment system. Note: Car Mode and its respective applications require a MirrorLinkTM certified car infotainment system.

Thanks crisscross for the tip!


Category: Applications, MeeGo, Nokia

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