

Video: Nokia 808 PureView, thunderstorm – extreme low light

| August 3, 2012 | 0 Comments


Another one from Topolino70 yesterday. I’m haven’t watched it in full quality as I’m on possibly bandwidth limi eted tethered connection in my new house for about a week until internet dude comes.

Anyway, there are two videos. The first one shot with soundtrack to Far Cry. I thought there might have been some special effects going on to make it appear like a graphic equaliser. Watch how it seems to light up with the music. But in the second video you’ll see it is just the thunderstorm.

The flashes of lightning provide all the lighting to an otherwise very dark scene. It’s very different to Topolino70’s usual light, colourful videos, but captivating watch all the same.

It reminds me of a horror scene or possibly even TDKR. Every time the lightning flashes I half expect a face to appear. The audio sounds great – rich recording is doing a great job replicating one of my favourite Nature Sounds clips of rain and thunder.


(ps late posting as currently in the middle of house move)


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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