

MyDreamNokia #60: Double-Sided Meego Nokia 909

| August 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s a really cool “dream Nokia” that one of our fans “Moody Caplan” shared on our FaceBook page, it’s basically a double sided phone with two full touch screens on each side that join on the edge, fitted in an N9-esque polycarbonate shell all running a refined Meego with “Swipe 2.0” that brings new swipe features.

The feautres are as follows:

  • 1.4Ghz Single Core CPU
  • 1Gb Ram
  • 64gb Memory
  • 8mp camera (with Scalado’s Creative studio/Camera extras)
  • Nokia Drive 3.0
  • Two Touch screens (Offers amazing multitasking)
  • Two proximity sensors (3-Axis acceleromter & Gyroscope)
  • Swipe 2.0 (with updated gestures to support both screens)
  • Hydrophobic & Oleophobic nano-coatings (water & oil/finger print resistive)
The concept for this phone is really intriguing, having a second screen offers endless possibilities, especially when paired with the multi-tasking hero, Meego; imagine one of the screens running normally all the time, while the back of the phone has your multi-tasking layout, or perhaps having a music player running on one screen with “Nokia Drive 3.0” on the other, to avoid switching between tasks while driving; simply flip the phone over. Of course two planes of glass back to back would either mean the phone is slightly obese or the battery is minuscule, but hey it never hurts to Dream.

About “My Dream Nokia”

I’m sure you’ve dreamt up your PERFECT Nokia device/UI. What it would look like, what it would feel like, what features it would have. Why don’t you share it with the world? Or at least with other Nokia fans :D .

It could be your own photoshopped or rendered work (seriously, you don’t need mega skills in either, basic paint job is often enough to convey a concept) of your dream product.

SEND this in similarly to with the title “My Dream Nokia” and perhaps the model number (and a little description, maybe a few specs in the message area? Though this bit not necessary).

Who knows, maybe an image might flutter over to Nokia and through whatever route end up being real.


Category: Dream Nokia, MeeGo, Nokia

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.