

Lumiappaday #276: 1 Second Game demoed on the Nokia Lumia 900

| August 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is a very simple reaction style game that’s much better to play with a group of friends. First you have to keep a finger or thumb pressed on the screen. I timer will go down and any time after that a target will appear which you must touch. It’s about getting a fast reaction time.

I think I’ll move on to some XboxLive games tomorrow.

#276) 1 Second Game 

Price:  Free



Developer Blurb:


1 Second Game is the ultimate quick touch reflex test game!
Train your brain to be faster than your friends!
Improve you skills, reaction time and reflexes.

* Ver 1.1 *
– Added a Challenge Friends button


Design: 7

Usability: 9

Performance: 9 

Price: 10


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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