

Nokia World 2012 event starting! (LiveBlog)

| September 5, 2012 | 0 Comments
Advertisements You can see the time stamp on the image name. Oldest post at the top.

Currently flickering on and off. It says SwitchtoLumia

There’s faint images behind this green thing.

Well stream on my mac died. Elop on stage. I can’t hear anything.

Ah seems to have stabilised now. Blogging and screenshots from my PC. Urgh. Why mac. why.

Elop talking about innovation in Asha.

Elop says Nokia deliberately does not speak a lot about future disruptions.

Nokia design, Nokia Photography, Nokia Location. In location, we are unmatched.

Excited to share next important step in our smart devices. Jo Harlow on stage.

omg. Really cool intro.

Nokia Lumia 920 with PureView and PureMotion.

Better pictures than any competitor smartphone. Even 808?

No specs mentioned. Just talking about taking low light picture. Talking about blurry pictures from minute hand movements in longer shutter times. PureView captures between 5-10 times the amount of light of ANY competitor smartphone camera.


Real deal offline maps that work whether you’re offline or not. Not just caching.

Nokia City lens -___-

Automatic augmented reality maps for Nokia maps.


Best viewing experience of any smartphone display. PureMotion HD+ Better than HD display. Clarity so incredible it pops out of the screen!

Screen so immerser you never want to put it down

2000mAh battery. Largest in a Nokia phone. Enough to get almost anyone through an average day. But average is not enough.

Qualcom S4 processor and WP8 combine to give the fastest and most responsive smartphone user experience. 30% more efficient than quadcore alternatives. What else can be done? Look at it from a different angle. Nokia Lumia 920 comes with built in wireless charging.

Fatboy recharge pillow.

Wireless charging with Virgin Atlantic and Cofee Bean & Tea Leaf.

Belfiore demoes WP8

PLEASE. Let’s rewind a bit and talk about floating lens again. Here we are again, like with PureView, NOT talking about something groundbreaking. Well done Nokia.

Screenshot feature demoed. Coincidentally stream on mac working so I can screenshot back here.

Camera demoed. With pinch zoom. Has lenses button to engage other software.

I’m sorry, but no. Your camera UI still sucks.

Pictures in gallery automatically tagged with the app/lens that took it.

Blink camera – where it takes multiple pictures, one is saved. But that one saved picture can still be engaged to bring up the other pics. Not sure how.

Kevin Shields on screen

Proudly stands above the crowd in design. Return of the 2.5D curve display. Terrific antenna performance from polycarbonate.

Spectacular yellow, lipstick red and seductive grey. Something different from uninspiring monochromatic glass.

Ceramic side keys. Oh I love how Kevin talks about this phone. Much better than the first iteration.

Super proud. Fastest LCD display on a smartphone. WXGA. High refresh rate.

Super sensitive touch.


Wireless charging demo. I didn’t like how he was unsure of whether it would work. Unless he was joking cos he just said it just works.

JBL Powerup. Integrated wireless charging with NFC.

Oh dear. I’m cringing at the city lens demo. Almost as cringy as the JBL NFC demo. I completely understand it happening as NFC has to be precisely touched. Not simply placing on top..

Smartgroup seems to be smartshoot but a bit better.

wow. Cinemagraph is pretty cool.

PureView time! Yay 🙂 Largest aperture for 16:9 at F2.0. Can keep shutter for longer but stabilise with floating lens!

59% more effective than high end DSLRs. Seriously guys, one of the things I love most about my DSLR is the stabilisation. If I use a lens without stabilisation, I get bad images/video.

I am seriously impressed by this implementation of PureView. Imagine having this aspect of stabilisation AND oversampling. Camera overkill. Hahaha.

Kevin has just announced the Nokia Lumia 820. One cover is for wireless charging.

Exchangeable covers.

Elop back on stage. On stage with Ballmer.

Windows Phone, Windows 8

Ballmer thanks Elop and Nokia for the phenomenal work on the Nokia Lumia 920.

Rest of WP8 to be seen later. Later?

Closing statement.

Live stream done.

I thought it was over but something spontaneously appeared on my window.

Updating this post.



Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]