

Engadget Interviews Kevin Shields; Hints at Upcoming Oversampling + OIS

| September 8, 2012 | 46 Replies

Nokia's Kevin Shields talks PureView, floating sensors and the 'missile' that is the Lumia 920

Without mincing words anyone who keeps wondering why they labeled the 920 PureView and demands that name be removed should definitely read the full interview, Once again kevin explains how PureView is a BRAND name and not the name for a single piece of technology.

PureView really is about our investment in radical camera technologies. The 808 was one of them, the first one, and what we’ve done with the 920 is a different, radical approach. My message would be: ‘Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let go a little bit. We’ve established a brand that is about the fact that Nokia is a company capable of delivering incredible camera innovation, so we wanted a brand to let you know as the consumer that this is the best that we’ve got.’

On the topic of combining the floating lens/OIS with oversampling:

Stay tuned. Getting a sensor the size of the one in the 808 suspended using this approach is going to take some really clever engineering. But, it’s a good thing we have some really clever engineers.

That’s sounds about the same stuff we heard regarding bringing PureView to WP, and it’s here now, hopefully we’ll see these two PureView phases conjoined in time for a MWC launch?

Check out the rest of the interview here:


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.