

Videos: S40 Apps RDA testing and updating apps for Full Asha Touch

| October 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here are a couple of videos from NokiaDevForum, the first showing how to test your Java apps via Remote Device Access.

With Remote Device Access (RDA) you can test your Java apps on a wide range of real Series 40 phones from the comfort of your office, without having to buy a single phone. Make sure you have a Nokia Developer account, then simply sign into the RDA service, pick a phone, and install your app to be testing on one of 10 different Series 40 phone models.
In this video you will see how to connect to a phone, interact with it through the RDA client, install your software and use the features of the RDA client, including adjusting the display quality to optimise performance, accessing the phone’s file system, and taking screenshots among others.
To use the service, please visit or follow the RDA service on Twitter:


The second one shows how to translate S40 touch and type to full touch.

Do you have a custom Series 40 UI design that you want to take to the full-touch UI? Or are you creating a new custom design for the succesful Nokia Asha family of Series 40 phones?

Mikko Kaipio, Senior UX Designer, shows you what to consider in your custom app design when taking it from non-touch or touch and type phones to full-touch phones. His advice is equally useful if you are starting with a new app’s design. In case your app is based on LCDUI, also check this video:

Try out the aMaze featured in this video:

More information about Series 40 UX resources can be found here:


Apologies the write up of tips and new Nokia vids is getting rather late. My schedule is super hectic. The only way I’m getting to write up stuff is to wake up extra early :/. If I miss something, feel free to bug me.


Category: Asha, Nokia, S40 Apps

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]