

Video: Jolla Launch Live Stream, DNA to sell MeeGo SailFish phones, Vote Jolla for best Finnish Start Up

| November 21, 2012 | 0 Comments

A few pieces of Jolla News before I start my Wednesday at the Hospital.

Today is Jollas Launch, revealling what their new UI/UX is like.

Launch can be watched live here.

Finnish Ooperator DNA will supposedly be selling phones that run MeeGo SailFish.

(Note, yes, yadda yadda, Nokia blog, why Jolla. Jolla is MeeGo and even Jolla’s page on twitter says that they’re continuing Nokia’s work on MeeGo. Nokia people, Nokia OS, Finnish based, and loved still by many Nokia fans).

Finally, VDVsx asked us to vote for Jolla as best Finnish Start up

Cheers incognito, ABC and VDVsx for the tip.

I’ll catch you guys up later this afternoon to see what the excitement was all about!


Category: Jolla, Linux, MeeGo

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