

Video: Ducks – Nokia Lumia 920 video sample (1080p)

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments



Here’s a quick video sample from the Nokia Lumia 920. I had to switch it up to 1080p because by default it’s at 720p. I’m not sure if that makes a difference in terms of stabilisation quality.

This is by no means a scientific test or whatnot. I was on my way to a lecture and passed by the pond at the hospital. The ducks looked interesting so I walked along side ss the yellow Nokia Lumia 920 attracts non-humans too. As I’m walking and the ducks are following, it doesn’t look like I’m moving.

Also, the 1080p sample looks quite badon youtube  in comparison to being played natively on my pc. Oh, speaking of youtube, their post processing for stabilisation works really well too. Granted the video is darker and more pixelated, but it works well. I tried to reupload another sample to process afterwards but youtube won’t let me keep it there because it’s technically a duplicated file.



P.S. Phones4U hasn’t managed to get me a replacement unit yet so I haven’t been able to test the LED flash at all. Fingers crossed one will appear tomorrow. One of the sales rep is really trying so much appreciated from Jackie. Another one however told me that if someone wants to buy the phone they can’t hold it for me :/


Category: Nokia

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