

More “Portico” updates variants for Lumia 820 & 920 appear on Navifirm

| December 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


Last week, the Lumia 820 and 920 US handsets recieved “Portico” update for WP8. I just took a look on Navifirm, and what do you know, it seems we have a Christmas surprise. There are tonnes of firmwares now available, so hopefully this means most if not all devices will be receiving an update shortly.

I will let you know the changes I find.


Category: Firmware Update, Leak, Nokia

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Hi! My name is Michael. I currently live in Sydney, working on all things Digital Marketing. I have a real passion for the latest technology and I'm a real Nokia buff! My aim is to keep those of you, like myself, updated with the latest in what's going on in the Nokia World. Get in touch on Twitter via @MFaroTusino, or even simply drop me an email at mike.mnb[at] or tips[at]