

AT&T announces Record Q4 Smartphone Sales, hopefully some decent Nokia Lumia performance

| January 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

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It may be the faintest indicator if it is any at all, but it’s better to see the environment Nokia Lumia is in doing better than worse I guess. With the Nokia Lumia 920 (and initially 900) exclusive only to AT&T, it’s good in a way that AT&T Q4 Smartphone sales are supposedly a new record. It’s somewhat a similar way that it’s better if there are a higher number of WP handsets sold, more breathing room for Nokia. Though of course, Nokia’s got much stiffer competition with AT&T’s selection of other flagships.

The proportions of what phones have been sold are not mentioned yet (full quarter financial results, due 24th Jan) They do unfortunately indicate that it was the best ever quarterly Android and best ever Apple sales. Windows Phone is mentioned only in conjunction with getting more than 100,000 smartphone sales a day from their portfolio INCLUDING the “latest Android, Apple and Windows devices”.

Should we have expected AT&T to mention best ever quarterly Windows sales too for an actual indication of good Lumia performance at AT&T?

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) announced today that it sold more than 10 million smartphones in the fourth quarter of 2012, topping its previous record quarter of 9.4 million, set in the fourth quarter of 2011. This included best-ever quarterly sales of Android and Apple smartphones.

“We had another incredible quarter of smartphone sales as the mobile Internet continues to drive strong growth in wireless,” said Ralph de la Vega, president and chief executive officer for AT&T Mobility. “These are the industry’s most valuable postpaid subscribers with average revenues twice that of non-smartphone subscribers.  During the quarter, we averaged more than 110,000 smartphone sales a day as customers flocked to our leading portfolio of the latest Android, Apple and Windows devices. Combine that with the nation’s largest 4G network and lightning-fast LTE network that now reaches more than 170 million people and you’ll understand why customers continue to choose AT&T in record numbers.

AT&T is scheduled to release its full fourth-quarter 2012 financial results after market close on Thursday, January 24.

Cheers Bloob for the tip..


Category: Nokia

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