

WP Developer Blog: Windows Phone SDK Update for 7.8 now available

| January 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Yesterday, MS released the WP SDK update for 7.8 which now brings two new WP 7.8 emulator images to your existing SDK installation,

What’s new?

  • Windows Phone 7.8 emulator: This OS image emulates your app running on a 512-MB device running Windows Phone 7.8 (build 8858)
  • Windows Phone 7.8 256MB emulator: This OS image emulates Windows Phone 7.8 (build 8858) running on a 256-MB device
  • If you’re running a Windows Phone SDK 7.1 installation, the update will also download and install the Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1 update onto your machine as part of the update 
    (again, only applicable to Windows Phone SDK 7.1 installations)

What’s not there?

  • The update does not change your existing Windows Phone OS 7.1 emulator images—you can still develop and debug your apps on a phone running the standard Windows Phone 7.5 image
  • There are no new APIs available to Windows Phone apps in Windows Phone 7.8

Apps built will still target WP7.5, this update just lets you see how they’ll look with WP7.8. Tiles wise, WP7.8 tiles will behave like WP8 tiles. via techmundo

As mentioned by Ali, WP7.8 update is expected soon (rolling out by Jan 31st?)

Cheers Helcio O Faria for the tip!



Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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