

Video: Interview with Marko Ahtisaari

| February 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

engadgetmyrimarkoThe lovely Myriam Joire talks to the brilliant Marko Ahtisaari.

  • Cutting through a noisy environment that people can recognise attributes; Pure, taking away the unecessary but it’s still always human through how it feels and how it’s formed. Colour is a part of that self expression.
  • We still want to be advanced. Whatever price point, we try to give the most compelling experience, packing as much tech in affordable packages.

I liked it when Marko talked about introducing a splash of colour to the sea of black and greys. When I had my exam last week, all the students had to put their phone in a tray. All a sea of black, and then a glowing electric splash of yellow as my 920 sat on top. 😀

  • Note on future flagships that are thinner (well, much expected but can’t be taken for granted)

Cheers meh for the tip!



Category: Nokia

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