

AAS: Camera Shootout Time!: N8 vs Xperia Z and 808 vs Xperia Z vs 920!

| March 8, 2013 | 0 Comments



Hello MNB Readers!

Our friend, Steve Litchfield, over at All About Symbian has a duo of camera shootout articles that are worthy of a read and extended look. While celebrating N8 Day, Steve pulled out the former World Champion camera title belt holder (N8) and put it in a shootout against what is considered the cream of the crop Android camera phone, the Sony Xperia Z. Steve wrote:

‘Nokia N8 day’ continues here on AAS with a camera shootout. Released in 2010, the Nokia N8 wasn’t the first 12 megapixel/Xenon-flash camera-toting smartphone (the Sony Ericsson Satio would contend that honour), but it was the best and by far the biggest selling. And the N8 is still loved and used by millions, even today, getting on for 3 years later. The competition are claiming to have caught up with Nokia though – Sony’s latest smartphone flagship is the Xperia Z, seen here, with 13 megapixel next-gen Exmor RS sensor. How does it compare to the camera in Nokia’s 2010 masterpiece?

Head over to AAS for more on this story: AAS

Also, you can’t keep a camera expert and Nokia fan idle for too long because Steve has a followup article pitting the Nokia 808 PureView against the Sony Xperia Z and the Nokia Lumia 920! From the opening of the article:

You may have seen my recent stills shootout between the elderly Nokia N8 and the new Sony Xperia Z? What I hinted at in that text was that I took the same shots with the 2012 Nokia 808 PureView and Lumia 920 as well, i.e. the best and fastest of Symbian with the generally-considered Windows Phone flagship. This being a camera result comparison, I’m expecting the Nokia 808 to win, of course, it’s far more camera-centric than the other two and has a relatively huge sensor (plus proper flash), but I’m interested in the margin of victory and also as to how the best camera phone on Windows Phone matches up to (more or less) the best on Android, given that the sensor sizes are the same. Read on!

Read on indeed: AAS

I like AAS’s camera comparison articles as they are straight to the point and honest. As a N8 user, it is great to see that the N8’s larger sensor, xenon flash and optics have kept the camera above average for going on 3 years. As a future 808 owner, I can’t wait to get my hands on one and start a new generation of quality photos for years to come.

It is also good to see that cameras on mobile phones are improving across the board and that my friends, is good news for all camera buffs, no matter the brand or OS affiliation. What say you, our dear MNB readers? Have you made any camera comparisons or noticed great leaps in quality with your own devices? Perhaps you own a non Nokia that has a great camera that beats out other  phones as a 3rd runner-up (N8 2nd, 808 1st). Sound off in the comments section below.


Thanks to Steve and the AAS Team for their continued coverage of the photography side of the smartphone spectrum.


Image credit: Steve Litchfield, Copyright (©) All About Symbian 2000-2012


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Category: Lumia, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Good day everyone! My name is Demitrius Harris and I am a fan of all things true. I currently hold a position in the IT Department at a college and I teach various classes when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, I was a Special Education Teacher and a Technology Education teacher at an elementary school and have held titles in the Financial industry. What does that mean for you, our dear readers? It means that I love to write and communicate as accurately as possible! It is my hope, that I will always be able to provide factual information concerning all things related to Nokia (even when the Nokia brand isn't printed) and anything else in the scope of technology that fits within the purpose of MyNokiaBlog. I humbly thank you all for reading my posts (and the MNB Team) that sometimes contain THOUSANDS of words. You all are the best and most respectful blog supporters in the world! Thank you for choosing! Sincerely, Demitrius Harris. Favorite phone of all time: Nokia N82 - Black