

New Qt-based Game Engine for mobile Games – great benefits for Nokia Developers #Symbian #MeeGo

| March 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 16.59.48We got an email from Austria based Chris and their Qt based cross-engine platform at V-play. More info available at

Hi Jay

I am Chris from “V-Play” and a long-term reader of you blog, as I am a Nokia Developer myself.

“V-Play” (a developer-studio from Vienna) just launched a new qt-based game engine, that comes with many benefits for Nokia Developers.
The Game Engine is cross-platform and allows to develop in a declarative way for Symbian and MeeGo as well as all major platforms.
With “V-Play” it is possible to deploy games with just one click on every desired platform and therefore publish it in the app stores.
That makes “V-Play” a great choice for every Nokia-Developer who wants to transfer his mobile game to another platform (e.g. iOS, Androis) easily.

The Game Engine comes with further new features, such as an integreted level-editor that allows developers to simply integrate it into every game and therefore offers every gamer the possibility to create own levels on their devices.

For further information please take a look at the attached press release or visit our homepage:
I will be happy to assist you with any further questions, requests or suggestions you might have. I will be very pleased about any feedback.
Or maybe you see the possibility to let us write a guest-article, as I think the “V-Play” game engine is a great tool for every Nokia Developer.


Best regards from cold Austria 🙂





Category: Nokia, Symbian

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