

Yay – 6″ Phablet Nokia Lumia – Nay – More carrier exclusivity?

| May 3, 2013 | 0 Comments


Partnering with Carriers for Hero devices? Has that worked out? I’m not so sure. Perhaps it would have been nicer to see the same phone on all carriers. At least in the UK, I don’t feel EE really did anything with the exclusivity on the 920 other than possibly alienate the other mobile networks. Perhaps if you can launch them variants quickly and make them available simultaneously (like how it appears Sammy can rebadge the SGSII) until you have a device strong enough to be the one across all networks (S3/S4). Or perhaps if you’re as huge as China Mobile in comparison to the rest? Otherwise, carrier exclusivity just makes people WANT your phone whilst on other networks and buy SOMETHING ELSE.

These deals may help secure the phone to be cheaper on contract but at what price to general availability to customers? Fortunately the Lumia products have been strong enough to outsell competing WP devices despite(?) these carrier exclusivities.


A 6″ Phablet to be launched Q3 2013 is expected to be in the price range of £400-500. Please no excessive bezel that could potentially fit a 7.5″ screen.

Source: MobileToday

Via: WMPU via: Reddit


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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