

Lumia 720 Vs. 920 Hardware Comparison

| May 19, 2013 | 28 Replies



So I’ve been playing around with the Lumia 720 for a couple of days now, and I’m absolutely in love with the design. The way the phone just fits in your hand, and the beautiful screen it is the perfect Lumia in terms of design in my opinion. Here’s a quick gallery comparing it to the Lumia 920; and a video hardware comparison detailing the differences between the twos internals and other juicy stuff:

DSC02778 DSC02780 DSC02781 DSC02784 DSC02785 DSC02787


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.