

Video: More Cinemastyle with Nokia 808 PureView

| May 30, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Bill Perry, Global Partner Manager for Imaging at Nokia has been filming with his Nokia 808 PureView whilst visiting Pfeiffer beach. This was done with a tripod or handheld – less equipment than the other cinemastyle videos you’ve seen here with the 808 or here with the 920.

Spent some time in Big Sur on 18 May and made a trip to visit Pfeiffer Beach. After a 2 mile windy road arrived at the parking and it was a beautiful day however upon walking to the beach it was apparent it was very windy.

This short movie should give you a sense of what it was like that day: the wind, the surf and at times the tranquility.

All video was shot using my Nokia 808 PureView with either a tripod mount or just hand-held. I used a custom flat profile in creative mode so I could do my own post-processing. It also allows you to capture more details in the highlights and shadows that you can recover later.

Color correction, editing, and exporting all done with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5.

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Pfeiffer Beach, Big Sur – Nokia 808 PureView from Bill Perry on Vimeo.



Via: PureViewClub

Cheers Alvester for the tip!



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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