

Windows Phone and Windows Division to Merge?

| June 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

x7 windows phone

WMPU reckons that Microsoft may be merging the Windows Phone and Windows division with respective chiefs, Terry Myerson and Julie-Larson Green jointly heading the department.

This was based on a consideration by Steve Ballmer to have four divisions, one of which was the “OS” Division.

Could it mean that Windows Phone gains even more prominence at Microsoft or is Windows going to have all the attention? Could be neither. If it’s the latter, it might mean that folks who call Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 might finally get excused if there’s simply just one Windows on all devices.

With both sharing the same Kernel and Microsoft keen on integrating the two as much as possible it makes sense. As much as we enjoy berating MS for being slow, updates to Windows 8.1 seem very well received, even just from announcement the Engadget guys are pleased that it seems MS is ‘listening’ to the customers or finally implementing what should have been there before to entice the crowd. 8.1 is said to be such a big update that they might as well review the whole OS again. Could it be the same for WP8.1?

Hopefully Microsoft is understanding the importance of mobile and with that Nokia gains even more importance to Microsoft as many are attributing the survival and any success of Windows Phone to Nokia. To be fair, given the recent advertising push from MS, it does seem they know the significance of Nokia.

Response from those following MS closely is that it seems to be long overdue.

Source: WMPU

Via: reddit


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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