

July 1st may see Windows and Windows Phone division merger?

| June 23, 2013 | 0 Comments


A couple of weeks ago we heard that Microsoft maybe merging the Windows and Windows Phone division. There’s more legs behind this as TheVerge and AllThingsD report this may take place as soon as July 1st. It would be one of four main sectors at MS.

AllThingsD via TheVerge

Ideally a unified Windows division will only boost the ecosystem, increase development speeds, both for third party apps but also for the improvement of the OS itself. We’re still yet to see the increase in speed that the unified kernel between Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 was supposed to have brought. It’s not enough that we’re not really even catching up. We need something momentous, some ginormous leap to bring excitement back into the WP platform as something that continually, and quickly evolves.

Apparently, most senior execs have been left out of Ballmer’s decision making in his goal of turning MS into a ‘devices and services’ company (e.g. Xbox – Xbox Live, Surface – Windows 8). Such changes understandably leaves many high-ranking managers  worried about their position.

One person ‘close to the situation’ reportedly said, “It feels like it is going to be titanic — that Steve is doing this change for his legacy…And it’s the first time in a long time that it feels like that there will be some major shifts, including some departures’.

Given the closed nature even between MS execs, could Nokia have been informed of this shake up? As we mentioned before, a unified Windows might gain Nokia even more importance. It’s about time the super high end Nokia’s make themselves known (with the hope that MS unlocks the hardware restrictions) as well as tablets. Lumia of course is not the first time Nokia has produced a Windows device. The booklet 3G was a remarkable little trooper, hampered perhaps only by the lack of processing power (to get more battery life?). Imagine how different things could be now.




Cheers Muerte for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows, Windows Phone

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