

‘Amazing’ Momentum since launch says MS at 160,000+ apps. WP dev registration now just $19

| June 27, 2013 | 0 Comments


Daniel Rubino of WPC reports from //build/ that since November of last year:

  • 52k+ app have been submitted with WP8 SDK
  • 102k+ new developers have registered with Windows Phone
  • 2.5x increase in daily app revenue
  • 200M monthly app downloads
  • 160k+ (total) apps, with 191 markets and 50 different languages

With Nokia holding onto 80+% of WP devices, we can be sure the majority of these downloads and developer activities have been taking place on Nokia Lumia devices.

We know what MS really thinks of the non Nokia Lumia WPs, eh? :p (via @vladsavov) let’s stick em upside down haha.

Screen Shot 2013-06-27 at 00.01.23

Source: WPC

In somewhat related developer news, registration to be a WP developer is now just $19 (from a rather high $99). Well for the next 60 days anyway.


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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