

B(r)ing your Windows Phone up to scratch with these new Bing apps

| August 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


If you ever used Windows 8, you’ve probably also used one or two of the inbuilt Bing apps like Weather or News. Both apps are good at what they do and it made me wonder why these good apps weren’t yet available in Windows Phone.

Wonder no more, since Microsoft released Bing Weather, News, Sports and Finance apps for Windows Phone. There isn’t much more to say about it as I can’t yet download the apps from the store. They are all listed as ‘needs newer phone software’ or something like that, which is weird since I’m on the newest FW on a Lumia 925. It is probably due to the apps needing to be properly indexed in the store before they are available globally.

Try the links below for yourself and see if you can download them already. As soon as I or any other of the MNB guys have the apps downloaded expect to see some more coverage, but until then; feel free to sound off in the comments if you have the apps installed already.

Bing Weather

Bing Sports

Bing News

Bing FInance

Source: TheVerge


Category: Nokia

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