

Extras + Info updated; Glance & Touch now in Settings & display+touch

| September 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

 Extras + Info was updated today and it seems it may have been a bit of a fail!

The changelog stated:

  • general fixes and improvements
  • enhancements for Accessories application

Though, Adrian noticed that glance and touch are now in the main Settings app, AND under display+touch. Possibly a bit of a botched update?


Manually get the update by scanning the qr code below (or clicking it if you’re on your Lumia).

Cheers for the tip Adrian!



Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia, update, Windows Phone

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Hi! My name is Michael. I currently live in Sydney, working on all things Digital Marketing. I have a real passion for the latest technology and I'm a real Nokia buff! My aim is to keep those of you, like myself, updated with the latest in what's going on in the Nokia World. Get in touch on Twitter via @MFaroTusino, or even simply drop me an email at mike.mnb[at] or tips[at]