

OPK: Nokia couldn’t have continued with Symbian – Nokia was in a difficult position between Apple and Google

| September 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

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First, wow, check out OPK in silver hair edition, with a little tuft of matching beard (perhaps inspired by Dean Pattrick here). Other than looking different, he appears a lot less stressed.

Anyway, there’s a 17 minute video interview with previous CEO to Elop, OPK (in Finnish) published over at YLE. I don’t know precisely what they’re saying so I’m going from the auto translation of the written article.

From Janne’s tip: “Nokia couldn’t continue with Symbian - it made staying competitive and improving things very hard”. The article says that the decision to go WP was very well thought out and that OPK was pleased that the Nokia CEO did their best (I’m guessing referring to Elop).

I’m going to stop there as I’m sure the translator might be mangling the meaning a bit.

Some other links from Janne:

Kallasvuo doesn’t believe in Trojan horse theory:

Kallasvuo on Nokia sale, dramatic:

Cheers Janne for the tipS


Category: Nokia

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