

Weekend Watch: Vodafone UK 4G ad starring Nokia Lumia 925 (with Yoda and iOS :/)

| September 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Here’s an ad from Vodafone UK that’s been running all week. It stars Yoda and the Nokia Lumia 925 (and a Sammy phone). Interesting two choices there versus all of the other options available.

On the screen we see iOS on the Nokia Lumia 925. How come? Well the video is also about Sky Sports and Spotify being available with Vodafone’s 4G. The Album Art looks a lot more prominent perhaps on the iOS version of Spotify.

What’s interesting too is that the advert is about being lost in your phone. Look at the surrounding chaos. This reminds me of earlier ads for WP (WP7) where it wasn’t about getting lost in your phone but going in and out quickly because it does the job and you could carry on with real life (it just made those other phones look more captivating though).

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What headphones are those?
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Category: Nokia

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