

NokConv: A COLOURFUL History of Nokia

| September 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Quick heads up on this post at NokConv that looks at the colourful nature and history of Nokia, dating back 20 years.

Colour is nothing new but in a world where phones followed the one that was just black and white, it’s nice to see Nokia pushing everyone back to taste the rainbow.

HOT dang! Still such a sexy phone to this day!

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Oh the mother of all phones.

The “fascias” or covers weren’t simply about changing colour. Some allowed you to change design. I remember my 3310 had a pseudo 7210 cover. I had the lights modded at greenhills, as well as a piece of acetate at the back to make it look like a colour screen. Oh my.

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Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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