

MS delaying Nokia phablet, wants Nokia tablet cancelled? Is there any way for the Nokia MS deal NOT to go through?

| September 18, 2013 | 0 Comments



For those looking for more reasons to hate Microsoft, here we go. I can’t really think of anything to say to defend them really. Anyone? I’m sure there must be some reasoning behind this. Perhaps delaying tablet launch because as expected, MS with its billions of dollars and cash and thousands of incompetent workers can’t actually develop WP faster than a toddler who stumbled on “programming for dummies” and thus wants the phablet and GDR3 to appear together? Shut up and ship remember? Because we are all getting GDR2 super fast aren’t we?

Question here: Is the MS-Nokia deal set in stone or is there still a way that it can be cancelled? Like the attempted T-Mobile acquisition by AT&T (though that was cancelled by AT&T after the Antitrust division of the US DOJ wanted to block it).

What if Nokia shareholders say NO?

Perhaps there’ll be more truth to this:


Category: Nokia

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