

$25,400,000 for Stephen Elop to move back to Microsoft as head of Devices and Services

| September 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


TheVerge and AllThingsD report that Stephen Elop is set to get 25 million dollars to move back to Microsoft. 70% of that is coming from MS ‘for a job well done, har di har har’. :/

It’s been a long time since we first looked at Elop’s contract. From what I remember, it mentioned different payouts depending on his departure from the company. I don’t know the precise details but the sum is composed of cash and shares. (5.5 million salary+incentives, 19.8M in stock awards)

Elop is currently VP of Nokia Devices and services. When the deal closes, he’ll be executive VP of the whole devices and services, with a likely fast ticket to the CEO seat.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!




Category: Nokia

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