

MS emphasises 6 inch screens for WP in latest update 3 (claims to advance WP at a ‘rapid’ pace – Rapid? Ha!)

| October 14, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Microsoft’s just unveiled the list of features for GDR3, now known as Update 3. Now, Nokia’s additional “BSS” updates could still add more but that’s not what I’m focusing on for this post.

Whilst the 1520 has been rumoured to have a 6″ display, some postulate that due to the rumoured dimensions and proportion of bezel, it might “only” have a 5.7″ display.

Only. That’s still huge.

In the MS post, you’ll note that they keep reiterating 6″ screen.

So the new update paves the way for future Windows Phone devices with 5- and 6-inch touch screens. The larger, 1080p HD displays on these devices will make Windows Phone even more personal—for example by sporting jumbo-sized Start screens with room for six Live Tiles across instead of four.

A bigger Start screen means the ability to pin even more of the people, info, and apps that matter to you. Built-in apps and Hubs like email, Photos, People, and Music and Videos will also be carefully scaled to take full advantage of the additional real estate on 6-inch screens.

Kudos for the whole bypasing the carriers thing. What bugs me is how proud they are of how busy they’ve been and what they’ve managed. Really? Well, all hope is on 8.1 (and no more waiting for 8.2 or whatever. If 8.1 doesn’t impress, well, they’re just going to make their job nigh on impossible).

On the whole, a nice set of changes that will really solifidy the WP experience. BUT what WP needs is not simply to catch up but to leap frog. Copy in your own way what seems to be necessary from other platforms. iOS and Android have no problems stealing things from WP.

So when will all this be coming to your phone? As I mentioned earlier, the rollout initially kicks off in the coming weeks and will continue over several months.

It’s nice to finally hear some news. The silence they’ve kept due to the whole shut up and ship thing has been somewhat unnerving and annoying, especially when higher and higher expectations grew despite knowing MS would not be able to deliver. The amount of update should really be proportional to time. Something ‘midrange’ like this should have appeared sooner.

We’re seeing things really start to accelerate. We believe this is because we continue to advance the platform at a rapid pace.

In what dictionary in the world is rapid synonymous with frozen treacle? As rapid perhaps as a snail covered in salt?

Our hardware partners, meanwhile, have been taking advantage of this innovation by releasing amazing new Windows Phone devices throughout the year.

What other hardware partners have released an interesting WP in 2013 except Nokia? Which is no longer a hardware partner…

Credit where credit is due, and no credit is due for the other WP manufacturers regarding “amazing”. Nokia, yes. HTC/Samsung, erm. No (their Droid devices, yes, interesting. WP versions, erm, what WP versions)

I’m not holding my breath to wait for this update, given the time it took to get GDR2 on my 920. I know, I know, I’m rather jaded about MS/WP now but can you blame me? When they start showing promise and potential again I’ll be more hopeful.


Category: Nokia

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