

LeakyLeak: Nokia product codenames II: Goldfinger, Moneypenny, Normandy, Phantom, Spinel (#007)

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Last night @evleaks tweeted the product names of some more Nokia devices.  Goldfinger and Moneypenny (perhaps even Phantom, aka Rolls Royce Phantom III owned by Auric Goldfinger).

Normandy…Deauville, located in the lower Normandy region, was said to be the inspiration for the location of Casino Royale. Ian Flemming had apparently played at Deauville.

Spinel? Defined as a hard glassy mineral occurring as octahedral crystals of variable colour and consisting chiefly of magnesium and aluminium oxides…

The images relating to James bond show some cufflinks, but otherwise I’m not sure about the meaning here.

On the smartphone sense, the James Bond movies are recently notorious for their Sony product placement (Sony Pictures and all).


Category: Nokia

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