

Impressive new features for 3D Photosynth – Spin, panorama, walk (streetview) and wall.

| December 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Check out this post on the bing blog that details some of the new things they’re doing with photosynth. It isn’t simply that sphere thing anymore where you take several photos in a 360 degree centralised location.

I can’t wait to see this on the app version. The 3D spin thing feels a bit like ‘Morpho’ that we reviewed a while ago. It kinda made a flat image of a face 3D. But this one’s much more impressive as you can spin around the whole thing.

The important bit for me would be an ease of use when making them (easy to make, high efficacy). I like that panos in photosynth can just be almost sweeping in any direction and it snaps a new pic. (I miss the pano I had with my N900). I dislike the aligning pano in the nokia app.

What’s New?

This technical preview highlights the third generation of our 3D technology. It’s a dramatic step forward in smoothness and simplicity, and is what we now recommend for anyone with a D-SLR or a point-and-shoot camera. Once a synth is created you can easily share on Facebook, Twitter or via embed with a few simple clicks.

Please note, the first two generations of Photosynth technology, original synths and stitched panoramas, are still available on the main site.

The new Photosynth technology supports four basic experiences: spin, panorama, walk, and wall.

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Via: TheVerge

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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