

Nokia Lumia 1020 makes TIME Magazine’s top 10 Technology list of 2013

| December 10, 2013 | 0 Comments


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With only two smartphones in the top 10 list, the other being Apple iPhone, it’s a pleasure to see the Nokia Lumia 1020 mentioned in the top 10 Technology list by Time Magazine.

“The most detailed phone snapshots you’ve seen!” (I hear 808 users saying, unless you own the 808 :p)

Every modern wireless phone is a cameraphone, but this Lumia is something new: a phonecamera. Its oversized sensor packs 41 megapixels of resolution; you can capture the most detailed phone snapshots you’ve ever seen, and zoom in without reducing your pictures to a blocky mess. (You have to download the high-res versions to a computer via USB cable, but it’s worth the effort.) Even iPhone and Android fans who thought they couldn’t care less about Windows Phones might find themselves smitten with this one.

The Oculus Rift and Leap Motion controller are very intriguing things, no? Videos of that Oculus Rift in action – well at least the reaction from users make it seem so immersive!


Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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