

Press Release: China Telecom selects NSN as new partner to build LTE network

| December 18, 2013 | 2 Replies

NSNDeal marks NSN’s latest LTE win in China

Nokia Solutions and Networks has won  an LTE* contract with China Telecommunications Corporation (China Telecom), a major wireless broadband operator in China.  The operator has selected NSN as major partner for its nationwide LTE rollout. This contract with China Telecom,  a new customer for NSN’s mobile broadband business, marks yet another successful LTE breakthrough for the infrastructure supplier.

As the number of smartphone and mobile internet users keeps growing, operators must find innovative ways to respond to customer expectations for high-speed mobile connections. With the introduction of a flexible 4G network, China Telecom is taking a competitive step forward in building fast-speed mobile broadband coverage.

“There is a great dynamic in China’s 4G market. It is absolutely key for vendors to being able to offer the right technology now and to show the operators the evolution path they need to walk,” said Dimitris Mavrakis, principal analyst for Informa. “NSN has a strong position in LTE and experiences a good LTE deal momentum.”

“We‘re delighted to work with China Telecom, our most recent LTE customer, in the fast implementation of its 4G network. NSN has steadily invested in its LTE research and development presence in China,” said Markus Borchert, president of Greater China Region at NSN. “This makes us an ideal partner for guaranteeing high network quality and expertise as we support China Telecom, one of the largest mobile telecommunication providers in the country and our most recent LTE customer, with its 4G launch.”

Under the contract, NSN will implement its innovative Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Stations. The company will also provide network launch optimization, implementation supervision and care services in order to use resources most efficiently and to guarantee the highest network quality possible. In addition, the agreement covers NSN’s intelligent network management system, NetAct, for comprehensive management of the operator’s multi-vendor network. With NSN’s support, the introduction of a 4G network will enable China Telecom to deliver a superior customer experience to its subscribers.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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