

Nokia N95 and N8 still in top 5 Nokia cameras on Flickr

| December 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Squeezing out yet another flickr related post because I thought this was interesting. Whilst there are numerous places to share pictures, Flickr remains one of the top places where photographers would display their art. Instagram is good but then you are reduced to a square of limited pixels.

Looking at the top 5 cameras, the top cameras include:

  1. Nokia Lumia 920 (previous Nokia Flagship)
  2. Nokia Lumia 1020 (Current Nokia Lumia Camera Flagship)
  3. Nokia Lumia 520 (the top selling Windows product and Nokia Lumia)
  4. Nokia N8 (the beast supreme with the 12MP Xenon shooter, rightfully taking over the N8 and showing everyone how the camera is done. It wasn’t overthrown by the competition. Only Nokia was able to beat Nokia N8 with the 808.
  5. Nokia N95 (One of the most successful Nokia smartphones. It was everywhere. The first to really bring convergence to the market. Considering the age and that it’s still top 5, that’s both kinda good and bad. Bad cos, well you’d want your most recent devices on top, but awesome cos it shows those as super popular iconic devices).

Over the last year, by percent of members, the Nokia 808 PureView joins this mix. The 920 and 1020 are the only ones on an incline.

The 1020 rockets up, being the first of the Lumias to REALLY focus on imaging and stand out (the 920 did a great job, but the 1020 was really the ‘wow’ piece we needed).

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Category: Nokia

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