

Finnish guy makes a DIY solar other half for Jolla Phone

| January 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

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What we’re looking at is one of the first interesting ‘other half’ mods for Jolla Phone. This is a small project that ended up with a solar panel bit on the back of Jolla phone.

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More pics:

I remembered last night that I had solar panel in my scrap box. The size was perfect for Jolla and a quick test proved that it can be used to charge Jolla too:

– voltage is about 6 V (measured with multimeter)
– panel outputs 40-80 mA under a lamp (measured with multimeter)

I haven’t seen sun in a month or so here in Finland so the test was performed under 70 W halogen, distance ~10 cm.

I have to test the Solar Half more, but it indeed seems to be working rather nicely


Cheers Janne for the tip!


Category: Jolla

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