

7 Disney games including Avengers Initiative, Wreck it Ralph, Monsters University Free for a limited time!

| January 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

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WPC are reporting that there are 7 Disney games that are appearing as FREE for a limited time. Total savings? $15.

Indeed they are free as I’ve gone and quickly downloaded (and then uninstalled) some of them.  Not because I didn’t like them, I didn’t even play it. But I might someday and it helps to have previously downloaded a PAID app that suddenly becomes free as you can redownload it for free at a later time.

  • Avengers Initiative
  • Where’s My Perry
  • Wreck it Ralph
  • Where’s My Water
  • Toy Story: Smash It
  • Where’s My Mickey
  • Monsters University

Source: WPC via Reddit



Category: Applications, Nokia, Windows Phone

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