

Kantar Worldpanel: WP 10.3% EU sales, 3rd month EU double digits

| January 28, 2014 | 0 Comments

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AAWP reports on Kantar’s data that WP has garnered 10.3% of EU sales. This is oddly higher than the 10% of last month despite Nokia’s sales reports.

News on the radio here say that Q4 has been pretty tough, so much so that even Sammy had to issue  profit warnings due to stronger competitors this month.

Kantar says:

Windows Phone has now held double digit share across Europe for three consecutive months. Unfortunately for Nokia the European smartphone market is only growing at 3% year on year so success in this market has not been enough to turn around its fortunes – reflected in its recent disappointing results. Its performance also deteriorated toward the end of 2013 in the important growth markets of China, USA and Latin America.”

Cheers all for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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