

Most of Nokia’s Windows Phone apps are now published under ‘Microsoft Mobile Oy’

| May 30, 2014 | 0 Comments



Dear MNB Readers,

When updating the Display app by Nokia this morning, I noticed that the Publisher was no longer Nokia Corporation but rather Microsoft Mobile Oy.

WindowsPhoneCentral provides some additional information:

It had to happen sooner or later. Nokia apps on Windows Phone Store, including Nokia MixRadio, Nokia Camera, and others are now published by Microsoft Mobile Oy. Headquartered in Espoo, Finland, Microsoft Mobile Oy is the wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corp formed after the acquisition of the devices business of Nokia Corporation.

The reason the title says “Most” is that not all of the apps have switched from their current Nokia branded publishing, for example, Gift Voucher is currently published under Nokia LLC.



The apps that were renamed to Microsoft Mobile Oy were originally published under Nokia Corporation while the applications that were developed by the HERE team will not be renamed as HERE is still a part of Nokia.

Per WPC:

Not all apps have been affected. The HERE suite of apps – HERE Maps, HERE Transit, HERE Drive+, HERE City Lens –​ retain the publisher name ‘Here Europe B.V.’, since the HERE division at Nokia wasn’t a part of the deal and remains with Nokia.

Abhishek Baxi -WindowsPhoneCentral

It seems that the updated app listings may not have completed the rollout throughout the entire Store so you may not see any applications under Microsoft Mobile Oy depending on where your search originated from within the Store. For example, I clicked on “More from Microsoft Mobile Oy” under details and it didn’t return any results.



Soon though, as pictured in the lead photo, all Windows Phone users should see the new name attached to the greatest collection of software that any OEM (former or current) has ever made for Windows Phone. The publishing name may be different but the creative minds behind the bits of code are still the same.

As always, thank you for choosing MyNokiaBlog,

Demitrius Harris


Source: WindowsPhoneCentral


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Category: Aquisitions, Developer, Nokia, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Good day everyone! My name is Demitrius Harris and I am a fan of all things true. I currently hold a position in the IT Department at a college and I teach various classes when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, I was a Special Education Teacher and a Technology Education teacher at an elementary school and have held titles in the Financial industry. What does that mean for you, our dear readers? It means that I love to write and communicate as accurately as possible! It is my hope, that I will always be able to provide factual information concerning all things related to Nokia (even when the Nokia brand isn't printed) and anything else in the scope of technology that fits within the purpose of MyNokiaBlog. I humbly thank you all for reading my posts (and the MNB Team) that sometimes contain THOUSANDS of words. You all are the best and most respectful blog supporters in the world! Thank you for choosing! Sincerely, Demitrius Harris. Favorite phone of all time: Nokia N82 - Black