

Nokia USA: Nokia Lumia ICON Short Films

| June 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

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Nokia presents the Nokia Lumia Icon video challenge. Nokia gave 5 aspiring directors a Nokia Lumia ICON and $10,000 EACH (holy crap, wut!).

Some might say, ‘I’m no videographer, but consider the budget someone like Topolino70 has and the results he produces.’ But then again, we might need to consider that there might be actors hired/props, costumes etc – hopefully some lights and stabilisation (as good as professional devices are in low light and in built stabilisation, they still need additional help!).


Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]