

Superphone 3D Touch Nokia ‘McLaren’ is killed, but 3D touch will still be a part of WP.

| July 18, 2014 | 0 Comments


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According to WPC, the highly anticipated Nokia codename “McLaren” has been killed. It seemed to be verging on very exciting; a handset that was going to leapfrog in hardware and software. Rubino’s article seems to state that 3D touch on WP is no more.

A new paradigm of interaction requires everyone else to get on board. Unfortunately, after some weeks of trying to see what developers would do with it, there was supposedly little in the way of success. Whilst the last thing anyone would want is features for the sake of features, i.e. simply another gimmicky Air View, it would have been nice to see Microsoft at least trying something new.

Tom Warren adds some clarification that it’s not so much 3D Touch that dies with McLaren…just McLaren handset itself. 3D touch will still be part of WP. Other high end phones are still on the way. What’s happening to the 1020’s successor?



Category: Nokia

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