

New to Office Family: “Sway” for polished yet simple web design and presentations.

| October 1, 2014 | 2 Comments

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There’s a new member of the Office family: Sway. It’s a tool for creating polished, elegant looking sites and presentations. I can only describe them as being able to simply create experiences like those new sites adopting the single scroll down feature (e.g. check out Jolla/Tesla’s site or this one).

LOL at the awkward screen simulation.

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Cool ending to show it’s “different”.

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Create these on the web. In time there will be a windowsphone and and “possibly a windows app”

Check it that presentation yourself here: The formats are quite different. I like the single scroll down best. You can even interact with different things on those pages. Possibly not the best layouts for all, but for story telling, it’s pretty awesome.

I could see this as a neat way of presenting a review. These presentations appear to be embeddable.

Source: Office

Via: TV



Category: Nokia

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