

Microsoft: Productivity: Reinvented! What is productivity to you?

| November 10, 2014 | 1 Comment

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With Satya Nadella at the helm of Microsoft, there’s a clear direction for the Redmond crew.

Satya speaks to FastCompany to detail Microsoft’s Mission. The likes of Apple and Google have their speciality. Microsoft, though has fingers in many pies, is essentially the productivity company.

What is productivity? How can Microsoft revitalise it?

Windows with Office is an obvious answer. Just make them better. Though there are other things on the pipeline.

  • Sway – a cool, professional looking presentation/site builder.
  • Skype translator (interpreting between multiple spoken languages during a skype call). Almost like having the star trek translator.
  • Revolve – an app that combines calendar and contact manager (combines? I want them to have an actual usable calendar first)
  • Next Lock Screen (is this just for Android as stated in the source? what about that garage project)
  • Improvements to Cortana
  • Research project called ‘Cities unlocked’ to help blind people traverse urban streets with the use of bone conducting 3D soundsets. That’s pretty cool!

I found this funny from the article:

With Next Lock Screen, it defies its reputation for favoring its own platforms.

Unless you’ve not been around many WindowsPhone fans, this isn’t a defying of Microsoft’s reputation, it is DEFINING it. MS games appearing on Android/iOS first? Skype features on alternate platforms first? New office mobile on other platforms first? No, we are used to it. It doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t be Microsoft if they didn’t attack the biggest market first/ignore WP.

Along size Office and Windows, Nadella sees the triad to include Azure.

Of course, Microsoft isn’t just all work and no play. There’s Xbox to consider. MS also just bought Minecraft devs Mojang for over 2 billion dollars. They definitely see an importance to play. FastCompany makes an interesting emphasis on how MineCraft is still about creation.

What’s productivity to you?

To me it’s getting things I need and want to get done, in the time frame that I want to, in the conditions that I want to (so, let’s say, anywhere! Don’t tie me down to a desk) and allowing me to seamlessly integrate work and social.

Productivity should also be about enjoying the time that you’re getting things done.

Essentially in one way or another, more value is created. Whether it was productive for my own personal learning, or productive because I made something that someone else could find useful or whatever. Whilst I’m doing that, it shouldn’t be a chore. And all the while, doing this shouldn’t obstruct me from other life commitments.



Source: FastCompany

Via: WC


Category: Nokia

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