

Unboxing: Microsoft Screen Sharing for Lumia Phones (HD-10) #Miracast

| November 10, 2014 | 1 Comment

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NokNok, now a part of Microsoft, has an unboxing of the Microsoft Screensharing for Lumia phones (HD-10). Not just for Lumia of course.

It allows you to easily use the project my screen/Miracast feature. This plugs in to your TV if you haven’t got Miracast built in.

It also comes with a ‘NFC coaster’ which can be placed on your coffee table for quick pairing and broadcasting.

It costs £60. ASUS’ dongle costs the same on Amazon though you can find some that are either more or less expensive. I’d really prefer something along the £30-40 bracket.

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Source: NokNok (Will it become LumLum?).

BTW, we have two 1520s in the house. Mine overheats and slows down after watching the same content after about 20 minutes. The other 1520 does not :/.


Cheers Mike for the tip!


Category: Accessories

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