

Wired Reminisces Nokia – the mobile phone king

| November 16, 2014 | 8 Comments

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It’s not the first post and it certainly won’t be the last. There’s been a few recent post reminiscing about Nokia because Microsoft’s new Lumia 535 does away with the NOKIA name, completely replacing the infamous NOKIA logo with the Microsoft one, front AND back.

Whilst Nokia does other things – Networks, Location, New Technologies – what everyone knows them for is phones. Nokia is synonymous with phones. The epitome of everything important in the mobile phone. Signal, design, durability, battery and yes, for a good portion of it, innovation. There’s so much nostalgia about Nokia which is why many write these kind of pieces as people could easily connect with Nokias values.

The brand therefore means a lot. There’s so much more behind those 5 letters than spelling out a name.

We had hoped that Nokia could come back to the mobile phone world in 2016. At the moment, signs are that Nokia won’t do that. But it doesn’t mean the end of Nokia phones/smartphones because Nokia may still launch a product by licensing their brand (with some degree of control as well so that the phones aren’t completely fisher price + NOKIA logo).

We did hear however that one of these Nokia devices might be another Nokia tablet.

Wired concludes:

Of course, even if Nokia’s name isn’t in America, its impact is felt all over Microsoft’s newest phones. So if you’re ever nostalgic for bygones days, just find someone with a Microsoft Lumia and squint your eyes and try to see the old Nokias of yesteryear.


Category: Nokia

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