

Nokia Account Discontinued April 14; Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat discontinued on March 9

| January 23, 2015 | 16 Comments

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Back in November, settings had to be changed for S40/Symbian to continue using Nokia Mail. Even though the Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat is still welcoming people to sign up for a new account, you can’t actually make a new account because it is being discontinued.

  • Data to be destroyed in 6 months
  • Transitioning of Nokia services to showcase Microsoft solutions if available, otherwise, goodbye Nokia things.
  • After March 9, no more Nokia Mail/Chat access.
  • You cannot keep the same address after this date.
  • Nokia Account will be discontinued April 14th 2015 and it will become a Microsoft Account (makes sense that HERE accounts were needed for maps).
  • What if this Nokia Mail account is used in other profiles, as main contact email and such? Well they say tough, go change it.
  • How to save your email? Nokia mail will either get in touch to migrate to another email service or to do it sooner:


Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat powered by Yahoo will be discontinued on 9 March, 2015

Dear Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat customer,

We’ve noticed that you are using a Nokia Mail email address to access your email account. Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat will be discontinued on 9 March, 2015 and you will need to take action to save existing emails.
Beginning 9 March, 2015, you will no longer be able to sign in, access your existing emails, or send and receive new messages using your Nokia Mail orNokia Chat address.  If you want to save your existing emails, you must copy your existing Nokia Mail to another email service or to your computer before 9 March, 2015.

We’ll be in contact in the near future to provide you with detailed instructions on how to save your email by moving it to another service.  However, if you would like to do this sooner, you can save your Nokia Mail to an IMAP or POP-enabled webmail service or an app on your computer; you can find out more about how to take this step here:

If you use your Nokia Mail or Nokia Chat address to sign in to Yahoo services such as Flickr, you will no longer be able to do so after March 9, 2015 and all your data and content will be deleted. If you’re a Flickr user, follow this link to move your photos to a new Flickr account to prevent losing your photos:

If you have been using Nokia Mail as your contact email for other apps or services, we advise you to update your profile on these services to use an alternative email address.  We recommend that you let your friends and family know about your new email address as well.

We will be in touch with you again shortly to provide you with further guidance on how you can save your existing messages to another service, or an app on your device or computer.

Information about the discontinuation of Nokia Account

When you use Nokia Mail or Nokia Chat you log in using your NokiaAccount. Your Nokia Account will be discontinued soon, and you can find out more about those plans here: .

Thank you,
Nokia Mail and Nokia Chat Team

You can see this either at the Nokia Mail or check out the FAQ from the Microsoft link.

Cheers Alan for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]