

Video: Nokia Lumia 930 vs iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 – Lets bring back digital stabilisation with OIS

| January 23, 2015 | 8 Comments

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This might not be the first time you’ve seen comparisons with the iPhone 6 plus and a Lumia.

When Lumia brought OIS, our cameras photos had insane low light and our videos looked so much smoother in comparison to the earthquake present in the scenes of the competition. But now OIS is becoming a standard. Low light is still in Lumia’s corner since the flagship cameras have larger sensors. But they’re catching up and in certain circumstances, leaping in video.

For a while Apple kept on using digital stabilisation. It helps in video by cropping around and shifting the frame. Less field of view but a nice synthetic stable motion. It’s kinda what that YouTube stabilisation filter does. It isn’t always accurate but it can help make a video appear a lot less jumpy.

The iPhone 6 doesn’t have OIS but the 6 plus does. OIS along with digital stabilisation actually produces a surprisingly impressive result. Sometimes there are weird artefacts and warping as a result but otherwise it looks great.

I’d like to have the digital + OIS option particularly when walking. Panning side to side or around on a Lumia with OIS is super smooth.



Category: Nokia

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