

Video: Surface 3 Promo – Full windows, Sans ‘Pro’, from $499, lightest surface. RIP RT

| March 31, 2015 | 1 Reply

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Surface Pro 3 made a bid to be your laptop replacement tablet. It was nice but maybe pricey. My ortho’s secretary uses one back in Ph. It looked really cool.

Here’s the Surface 3. Similar offering in ways but cheaper starting at $499. The $599 version seems to have a better balance for me at least.

It has an all day battery life (not the hyperlapse bit of that promo :p).

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It’s the lightest surface at 622g.

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Still with stylus support

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and thin at 8.7mm

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The kickstand is present though not at any angle but at three positions. Note additional keyboard options.

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1920×1280 3:2 display

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A whole host of ports, microUSB, USB 3.0, display port, as well as WiFi 801.11 ac, 8mp AF rear camera (3.5MP front) and optional LTE connectivity.

Also RIP RT.

Source: MS

Via Reddit


Category: Windows

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